The Sports Car Club of New Zealand (SCCNZ) was formed in 1982, by a group of car enthusiasts who wished to create a Club primarily devoted to the promotion and advancement of the Sports Car and Gran Turismo (GT) vehicle, from home built specials to factory exotics. While the Club's primary focus continues to be these types of vehicle, it also caters for those performance car enthusiasts who wish to run their vehicles in competition, not necessarily at Race level, but also in ClubSport-level events. We also embrace those people who, while not necessarily owning such a vehicle, still have an interest in them.
By their very nature, these types of cars lend themselves to competition and many of our members are actively engaged in motor sport. We do however, have many members who are interested purely in the construction or restoration of these types of cars and the Club caters actively for them.
The Club publishes a semi-quarterly magazine, SPORTS CAR TALK and emails out information to members detailing coming Club events, events run by other organizations which are included in our Championship for the year, or may be of interest to our Club members and other information of interest. We also run an internet notification service for those members on the web, providing reminders of events and "short notice" alerting.
The Club is a Member Club of MotorSport New Zealand Incorporated and sits on the Council of the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association.
The Club's Constitution is lodged with the Register of Incorporated Societies, Companies Office, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. A copy of both those documents can be viewed here:
SCCNZ Constitution and Appendix A to the Constitution